Measuring is knowing. In order to improve their operational processes and increase profitability, organisations must be able to access up-to-date business data at any moment. @COM Reporting facilitates the fast compilation of organisation-wide reports which, after analysis, can help you maximise your potential.
What is it?
The @COM Reporting application creates graphic and non-graphic reports which can be directly downloaded or periodically mailed to users. All Call Center reports can be exported to PDF format, RPT format. This means that you can view them via Adobe Acrobat Reader or Crystal Reports Viewer.
Several reports can be created:
- Call Center Agent reporting
- Call Center Group reporting
- Raw data ACD reports, for the compilation of own reports
- Own ‘custom’ reporting
@COM Call Center reporting provides you with detailed reports on the statistics of Call Center agents and Call Center queues with the associated incoming and outgoing calls. Reports produced by Call Detail Reporting (CDR) can be used to study statistics of incoming and outgoing traffic. If the standard Call Center and CDR reporting are insufficient, you could choose reports which are specially customised for you.
Call Center Agent reports contain:
- Total number of answered, missed and transferred calls.
- Calls per date, hour or agent
- Login time per agent, per queue
- Calls answered within a certain time by a certain agent
- Reason for ending call. For example, ended by caller, ended by agent, transferred, etc.
- Total, maximum and average call duration per date
- Total, maximum and average queue duration per date
Call Center Queue reports contain:
- Total number of answered, missed and transferred calls.
- Calls per date, hour or queue
- Login time per agent, per period
- Speed of calls being answered
- Reason for ending call. For example, ended by caller, ended by agent, transferred, etc.
- Total, maximum and average call duration per date
- Total, maximum and average queue duration per date